Blue Dots

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Knit, knit, knittitty, knit

(Did I just include the word "titty" in my title? *giggles*)

The other night, while relaxing in my Mickey and Minnie Mouse PJs (selected for me for my birthday by Miss Eight, Miss Four chose my Elmo PJs), I cast on 203 stitches for a new cardigan. Bendigo no longer make cotton in the New Ochre colourway (which is more accurately shown in the second photo here) so I'm glad I bought some when I did.

This is my first attempt at lace work using a very simple pattern. And, four rows in, it's looking good so far (except my psso stitches look a little loose)!

The best thing about my new knitting project (which is using yarn I bought AGES ago so it still fits within my "no new projects" until Christmas rule) was sending my husband into the yarn shop in the city to pick up some new needle tips for me. Hehehe - he put me on speaker phone when at the counter so I could make my order and came home with my lovely treasures (note the shift from Birch brand needles in the top photo to Knit Pro brand in the bottom photo). AND he signed me up to the loyalty club while he was in the store. This man is a keeper.

What's happening in your Creative Space?

1 comment:

  1. He sure is... a loyalty card means he's willing to go back. YAY!!!
    Love the colour and love the pattern so far. Looks good.
    I'm enjoying my knitting lately too.
