Blue Dots

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Creative Space

It's Miss Eight's birthday very soon. Okay, so that technically means she is still Miss Seven, but I have been thinking of her as Miss Eight for most of this month so that's what I will call her for now.

Anyway, as I was saying, it's Miss Eight's birthday tomorrow. She is not having a party this year, rather we are heading away for the weekend, including a trip to the snow. So instead of taking sweets to school to share with her class on her birthday she will be taking homemade snowman craft kits.

(Apologies for the photo quality - I took the photo on my phone, put it onto Instagram which automatically put it onto my Facebook page - and that's where I downloaded it from. I know, "Use the Cloud, Kirrily" and all my photo downloading issues will be solved...but I don't use the cloud and, well, this worked for me just fine).

So today in My Creative Space I have been buying a few odds and ends and putting together these little kits. Just need to finish the instructions now.


  1. i love a lolly-fee lolly bag and i love a craft bag so much more! nice idea x

  2. That is such a cool idea!
    The Mum's are going to love you.
    Have fun at the snow.

  3. What a brilliant idea. Love it!
