Blue Dots

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Time For Some New Projects!

The Gadgetman and I have been having a big pre-Spring clean out, which includes having the heating and evaporative cooling serviced and the carpets professionally cleaned.

We have a trailer load to go to the tip, just as much to go to the op shop, and still the Back Shed to sort through. Or, the Redback Shed as we are currently calling it. Which is arguably better than what we would otherwise be calling the garage after Saturday's clean out. That being the Dead Mouse Garage.

Anyway - with my own things sorted through and reorganised (how many times do I do that?), and the market stall things counted, listed and repacked, it is time for new projects!

New projects for the family and new projects for the market stall and new projects for me and new projects just because starting new projects is so motivating.

First on the list is putting together the leftover squares from the quilt I made for Miss Seven's Kinder teacher's baby (that's two years ago now) into a cosy toddler quilt - it's just the right size for putting over the lap while in the pram. It's going to the market stall.

Which makes me think - it's probably so long since I posted that you wouldn't even realise that Miss Six transformed into Miss Seven last month. A transformation that has brought with it all the hallmarks of a girl leaving the early years behind her.

And as for Miss Three And A Half - she has just come into my room, taken the largest pair of knitting needles she can find in my needle jar and announced: "It's time for my knitting!" Which usually more closely resembles drumming...or something.

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous, you sound so organized, while I sit here thinking we need to get some Spring Cleaning / cooling serviced too.
    Any 3yr old who knows what Knitting Needles are has to be encouraged.
