Blue Dots

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sewing on a Whim in my Creative Space this week

The first good news is I only have the zip and hemline (which I think I will roll) to do to finish my dress. However, there is a slight issue with size as I had to give Maud a little bit of a diet to get the dress to fit her hips nicely...which means that I might need to follow her lead and lose a centimetre or two on the hips if I want it to look this good on me.

The other good news is that lovely music book bag I made a few weeks ago is paying itself off as this arrived home with Miss Seven from her piano lesson this week:

When did she get so big as to be doing grown up things like piano exams? And why didn't I start using Instagram much earlier since it's so fun experimenting with all the photo styles?

Meanwhile, what am I thinking???

See the shiny bemsilk lining at the top of the photo - that's for a jacket that I started 10 years ago and I should be cutting it out so I can finish and wear the long awaited jacket.

Instead I have hidden it beneath the pile of old clothes and jeans that I have pulled out of my recycling stash. I'm hoping to put together some skirts for the girls. The only problem being that skirts for the girls, while fun to make and probably even in a slight deficit in their current wardrobe, are not on my sewing list. I have also thrown an old woollen jumper in with the towels to felt...I don't recall seeing that on the list either.

I seem to be creating on a bit of a whim this week. How about you?


  1. Lovely looking talented. I'm sure it will look even better on you than it does on Maud.

    Piano exams = WOW! How wonderful.

    Well, now I don't feel so bad that some scarves I've been knitting have been on the go for 2 or 3 years (winters only)...having read that you, one of the most talented crafters I know, have a jacket to finish off after starting 10 years ago. Yep, I do believe I'm doing quite well - LOL!

    1. The first jumper I ever knitted for the Gadgetman took me ten years...I started him another one last year of which I have only finished the back. You just can't rush some things ;). xox

  2. The dress is looking great and almost finished yay!!

    It's that time of year when a centimetre or two off the hips wouldn't hurt.........wish it was as easy for me as it was for Maude, hehe....
    All this best to Miss Seven in her exam.....

    Claire :}

  3. Lol! I suspect that half the reason that I haven't adjusted my version of Maude to my own measurements is the reality would be too confronting! Glad to hear that I'm not the only one to be slow on the finishing front too.

  4. The dress is beautiful - such gorgeous fabric, love to see you wearing it : )
