Blue Dots

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Creative Space

Making myself a little dressy this week. Oh dear - I really have had to stretch Miss Maud (or Mooj as Miss Four calls her) to her tummy limit, haven't I? Not as attractive as the curves she had when she first arrived I'm afraid.

Oh - and I'm filling another wheat bag order, and working on knitting a cardigan for myself and a jumper for my gadgetman, and I'm even doing some scrapbook pages of my pregnancy with Miss Four...yes, I'm that far behind in my scrapbooking and then some.

Oh - and this is a little funny. On Miss Seven's "Third Most Common 100 Words" word list I spied these two words in close succession:

Hopefully you're finding some ways to Be Creative this week - if you live down south like I do, the next few days are perfect for a little indoor craftiness.


  1. The fabric is very pretty. That is a great start to a dress. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished dress.

    1. It is a very long time since I have made something for myself, beyond knitted cardigans, but I have built up a stash of fabric for myself. I live in jeans most days but can't wait to add a few more dresses back into my wardrobe. I haven't made this pattern before - it's Simplicity's 2498.
